Principal's Message

   Hello and welcome to the PS 46 community.

My name is Jennifer Alexander-Adé, and I am the proud principal here at PS46. Our PS46 motto is “Achieving Excellence One Student at a Time.” This means that we strive to get to know each one of our students and what they need to be a success! PS 46 is a dynamic fun place to grow and learn. All teachers and staff have high expectations for behavior and academic achievement. Our teachers and staff are skilled in the “Workshop Model” which is a special approach to teaching that builds on the student’s strengths.

Warmest regards,

Jennifer Alexander-Ade  




 Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports   

Classroom PBIS includes preventative and responsive approaches that may be effectively implemented with all students in a classroom and intensified to support small groups or a few individual students. Classroom PBIS strategies are important tools to decrease disruptions, increase instructional time, and improve student social behavior and academic outcomes , which is critical as schools are held to greater accountability for student outcomes and teacher effectiveness. Although individual teachers may implement PBIS in their own classrooms regardless of the broader school context, the effects of classroom PBIS strategies are maximized by (a) implementing within a school-wide multi-tiered behavioral framework (MTBF), like school-wide PBIS; (b) directly linking classroom and school-wide expectations and systems; (c) merging classroom PBIS strategies with effective instructional design, curriculum, and delivery; and (d) using classroom-based data to guide decision making. The following school- and classroom-level supports should be in place to optimize the fidelity and benefits of implementation.  Click Here to Learn More

Book of the Month

Book of the Month Mission Statement:

Reading is the most important skill taught in school and at PS 46 we want it to be enjoyable too!  The more enjoyable it is to read, the more students will read. The more they read the more they will learn. The Book of the Month is an opportunity to engage in conversations as a community of learners and readers. It brings the books to life with important messages from the authors.  To see previous month's Book of the Month picks CLICK HERE

     My Mouth is a Volcano


   Written by Julia Cook

Illustrated by Carrie Hartman


P.S.46X Vision and Mission Statement